Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Another Coyote Clinic drops fur: 4 foxes in, 2 down

Congratulations to Aaron for getting out there and putting his new knowledge to work! Here's his story:

Finally put it all together up between (A) and (B) and used a sceery open reed call to do some hunting.  At 4 min first fox came in and got got.  2 min later next one came and got him, 2 min later 2 more came in at my 5 o'clock but wouldn't commit. I couldn't draw a bead on them through the trees and brush and if I quit calling they started to wander so I switched to the sceery closed reed call and was able to two hand my rifle.  One actually came in and sniffed at the second one I had dropped.  I hit him and he rolled off an 18" ledge and bolted.  I tracked the blood trail for about a 1/4 mi but lost him.  Lessons learned everything you taught us was dead on: camo up, sit in front of a tree/bush/ something to blend with, sit as ready to shoot as possible.   Next time I'll be shooting something smaller, the 5.56 wasted the hides.  I saved the skulls and tails though and practiced skinning the paws and faces for next time.  I want to go with you sometime, I just haven't had much time yet. 

Thanks for everything!

Happy Hunting!

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