Monday, August 6, 2012

Skull Shipment

I do a lot of skull cleaning every year with my dermestid beetle colonies and get skulls from all over the country. The number one question I get when someone wants to send me a skull is "How do I ship it?" This process usually involves fleshing the skull (removing the excess flesh, including eyes, tongue, and brains), freezing the skull in a ziploc bag, wrapping it in plastic, putting it in a cardboard box lined with styrofoam, inserting some cold packs, and then shipping it as fast as possible, usually overnight. Even though it sounds like a lot, it isn't a difficult process, and I have had some clients come up with some really ingenious and unique ways to ship skulls. But none of them beats the shipment that I got a few weeks ago:

I had a client contact me from a southern state asking about cleaning alligator skulls, and I was very interested to get to work on them. But how could we get them to Arizona with as little mess as possible? Well, this alligator hunter took it a step further than the ol' foam lined cardboard box - he went with an entire cooler, jam packed with 3 alligator heads! I absolutely love this guy's way of thinking, especially since the gator heads arrived still frozen with no rot and no stink - except for a little "swamp reek"!

Keep your eyes on my blog as these gator heads are just about ready to be put in the beetles, and I'll be posting pictures of them for sure!

Happy Hunting!

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